Zappos Shoe Outlet Sheperdsville

I'm the type of person that loves shopping. Unfortunately, that little hobby can be costly, so to lessen the blow on my pocket(and leave me money for sushi =X), I typically try to find places that has good quality stuff, for less. I love shopping online, but I find the best deals are in store. No shipping fee, no minimum order, and I like the fact that I can see the item in person. Stuff always looks better online, but once it arrives I'm like meh...

Imagine my shock when I found out there was a Zappos Outlet. A actual place I can go in! I seriously screamed when I read online that there was one here. I read that the Zappos fulfillment center was there, and that the store was located right beside it. I imagined a huge outlet...
Driving there (all highway since it was in an industrial/factory area), I noticed I didn't see any signs. I passed by "Antiques" signs, "Winery" advertisements, "Largest Flea Market" signs, but no Zappos. I seriously would've imagined advertising everywhere, at least on the attraction road signs. Nada. Either this is a true secret gem, or some ass hat online was making it up. As I started to get closer I realized I had already been in the area. I had visited that flea market not long ago, so I was pretty surprised I had never seen it. What gives?!

I finally arrived to the store, and it looked HUGE from the outside. I was so excited, I hurried in and it was totally NOT what I thought it would be :(

At first glance it looked like just a huge shoe store. I went to the clearance section, and everything was totally picked through. I walked through the aisles and noticed a lot of the stuff had scuffs, marks, not to mention it was pretty pricey for outlet. There were some good brand stuff, Badgley Mischka, Chinese Laundry, higher end stuff I rarely find at Marshalls, but it wasn't exactly anything worth driving out there. Once I got passed the shoes, I headed to the accessories, and found a few ugly bags, a few articles of clothing... then I over heard the clerk on the phone say "Yeah, we just sell second hand stuff. The items we carry here are just returned or damaged goods." WTF? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind buying second hand stuff, if I'm LOOKING for second hand. I'm not going to an outlet to just find used crap. Totally explained the scuffs...Zappos has tons of good stuff, such a shame they only sell it online. If they go through the trouble of having a store, I'd think that it would at least represent what they sell online? Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

Zappos Shoe Outlet

376 Boulevard
(502) 921-4949

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