I received an invitation from the lovely Bella of Louisville & her social media coordinator (Ashlea Spears) of Bella Vita Media, to attend the "End of year celebration for the LYPC". If you haven't checked out her blog, I *highly* recommend you do. She's a beautiful person inside and out, I really enjoy reading her inspirational posts on Instagram.

The celebration took place at the Muhammad Ali Center, located in downtown Louisville. Its not very often I venture downtown, but I love it!

The beginning of the banquet, we were all invited to go the buffet for dinner. I of course indulged, ha! I enjoyed my evening with a very sweet group of women.

During the banquet (hosted by WDRB News Anchor Sterling Riggs, btw, such a nice guy!) we heard inspirational stories from young adults benefiting from the Louisville Youth Philanthropy Council.

Per their website:
The LYPC gives teenagers the opportunity to learn how to run a non-profit philanthropic foundation- and then helps them to put what they learn into practice by making grants of $5,000 in the Louisville, Kentucky area.
Two LYPC teams granted $20,000(!!!) to non-profit organizations selected by the 30 high school students in this year's class. The beautiful student-led presentations awarded the organizations receiving grant funds, and also shared personal stories from their own LYPC experience. These stories were so inspirational. It was such an honor to be in the same room with such amazing young men and women who I *know* will be the future of Louisville.

At the end of the evening, we were asked to look into a little envelope. The 3 winners who received a golden ticket, could choose a non-profit organization of their choice, to receive a donation made under their names.
I was a winner. I chose FEAT of Louisville.

I'm so grateful that a program like LYPC exists. There is nothing more uplifting, than to know these young adults will take everything they've learned, and go out into the world to do good. Thank you LYPC for all that you've done, and continue to do.
If you're interested in donating to this amazing organization, (and make a positive difference in our community!) you can go to www.lypc.org

Thank you LYPC, and Bella Vita Media for inviting me to join you in celebrating. I left the dinner very uplifted, and I can't wait to see what positive influence you will have on Louisville, and these young adults' futures!
For more information:
Louisville Youth Philanthropy Council
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