I don't know about you guys, but every so often I get this rush of energy & motivation to make some changes. I'll make my new to do lists, reorganize my home, purge things that I no longer need, and start modifying my health goals. Every time its a little different, but one thing remains the same. *Staying* consistent with my health goals is hard! Sometimes I have a wedding, or event, that will encourage me to do rapid weight loss. Other times I'll just feel sluggish, and decide maybe its time to modify my diet. Between our move to Middletown (LOVE), and other life changes going on, sometimes life just takes over. I find it harder and harder to get into a "healthy" lifestyle routine. I'm always weary of jogging, because finding other friends who have the time that coordinates with mine, impossible. I don't feel safe doing it alone (its the Chicago girl in me I guess lol.). I hate huge gyms because guys can be creepy, and I feel lost finding my way through the machines without a trainer. First world problems?

Luckily, I was invited to try out something a little different. I almost said no thanks (I wasn't emotionally ready to start fitness planning ha!), but I decided everything happens for a reason, and maybe the universe was telling me in its own way to GET MOVING. Plus, I scared myself a little when I realized I couldn't keep up with my boys energy at the park. Something has to give!
When I read BARRE listed as the place to visit, my first reaction was okay, how hard can this be?

Upon visiting The Barre Code, I realized I had remembered seeing it on my many Subway trips over the fall (hence why I need some exercise, ahem). From the outside walking in, the first thing you notice (aside from the cheerful smiles of everyone in there) is a trendy chandelier hanging in their gorgeous studio.

To the left, you'll see its fully stocked with stylish tank tops. I don't know who their designer is, but these are clothes I wouldn't mind running around in and get errands done. Amazing job on the designs, very trendy and cute.

The next thing I noticed? Their glam bar! (I call it their glam bar, because it literally looks like a glam room.) Its filled with vanities to get made up (I wouldn't have the time to run home and get ready in between exercise and running errands, especially before getting my boys from school. Makes it SO convenient to get ready, and go do my stuff!), along with cute changing rooms.

Their workout equipment (everything looks very clean and tidy! So important to me.)

And of course, the positivity quotes. THIS. There's nothing more powerful than surrounding yourself with uplifting pictures, quotes, and things to get you motivated before your workout (and really visualizing it daily).

Entering the studio, I noticed it was clean, simple, and oddly serene. Before our workout, they dimmed the lights, and it felt very ZEN. Is it weird to mix zen and workout together? Amanda Hiner, (The studio owner) conducted her class in such a soothing voice, she pushed you to your own limits (offering modified versions of workouts, thank God), and it was refreshing to find such encouragement, and positive motivation to push you through it. I felt like I was dying (I hadn't worked out since the fall, & it kicked my butt.). By the end of the workout, I felt soooo good. I felt like it gave me a moment to clear my mind, focus on me, and she helped me push myself (and everyone in the class) to do my best.

She mentioned she had been in Louisville for 15 years, and opened The Barre Code 2 years ago. Fitness has always been a huge part of her life, and the inspiration behind The Barre Code was the program, and the sense of strong community. In her opinion, The Barre Code separates themselves from others because of "The experience we create in our classes! You have a class with more then just a physical workout! We also offer more than just Barre; we have HIIT, Bootcamp Dance & Kickboxing".
She went on to mention, "All fitness levels are welcome. Modifications are given during a class so that you can tailor your workout for your body. Everybody leaves feeling successful!"
I also asked, do you have any advice for anyone struggling to get fit?
"Take it one step at a time. Enjoy the journey, and make lifestyle changes to reach your goals. Make sure it fits with your life!"
When asked if there was anything she would like someone considering her Barre classes to know?
"Anybody can do it!"
And I can attest to that :-) It was a great experience, and I can't wait to go back. Thank you to The Barre Code for having me, it was a pleasure.
Check them out!
The Barre Code
12442 Shelbyville Rd.
Louisville, Ky. 40243
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