Grabbing some groceries at Kroger, I came across some beautiful pink Hydrangeas. This is the first time I've ever seen pink ones there! (I love placing flowers around my home<3) I went to Kroger hoping to find some of their egg-less cookie dough, but didn't see any for sale. Hopefully they just ran out and didn't discontinue it.
Some of my favorite products from Kroger:
- Bucha (rose flavored Kombucha)
- Mexican Cokes (they have a great Ethnic Aisle (Mexican, Asian, Indian, European)
- Aloe Vera Drinks
- Pocky (Asian chocolate/strawberry biscuits)
- Udon Noodles
- Truffle oil
- Heirloom Tomatoes
- Sesame Paste
- Peach Asian Gummies
- Jasmine Rice
- Banana Babies (Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas)
- Meyenburg Goats Milk
- Lobster
- Crawfish
- Ticklebelly Cake Babies
- Kroger's Bakery Tirramisu
- Biscoff Spread
- Pepperidge Farms Italian Bread
- Ponzu Sauce
- Inari (Seasoned Tofu Pouches)
- Spring Roll Wrappers
Kroger Grocery
9501 Westport Rd.
Louisville, Ky 40241
What are your favorite products from Kroger Grocery?
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