Since moving to my new place, I've made it my mission to make it Feng Shui friendly. Feng Shui basically means decorating your home in such a way, that you bring positivity and good vibes into your home. It doesn't hurt to try right?
I love plants, but a true garden is kind of out of the question when you're renting, so the easiest way to do this is to have plants in pots to decorate the outside and inside of your home.
In my entrance, I placed a bamboo plant in water. (Water in the front of your home is a good thing in feng shui, since it helps bring in positivity into your home.)
In my bathrooms and kitchen counter, my mom was gracious enough to give me a few snips from her green Ivy<3 These things are so easy to regrow! Just snip, place in some water until roots grow out, and replant into potted soil. Very pretty.
In my kitchen I also have some Ivy, as well as some aloe vera. LOVE aloe, this is by far the most useful plant I own.
On my patio, I placed 2 chive plants (my dad gave me some dirt, and onion plants from his garden!) and three mums. Fall is coming, so I figured some orange would look pretty. ;-)
I put two vases on both sides of my bed for white flowers (I figured the white would look great in contrast with the gray walls.)
I also plan on putting two majestic palms next to our TV in the living room. I have yet to purchase a console table for my tv, or end table =/ Slowly but surely I'm getting my place in order, hopefully soon.
How do you plant around your apartment?
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