I have been *dying* to go to the Flea Off Market. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to make the trip, but my parents were kind enough to take some pictures from the last trip they made =)
If I remember correctly, I think they said there were about 4 large rows of tents full of goodies waiting to be bought.

They had plenty of vintage items, housewares, Christmas trees.

Here's the concession area, I know for sure @HolyMoleTruck was there. Every time I see a tweet from twitter, I die a little inside. (I've been craving soft shell crab like crazy!) I hope next time I'll be able to check them out.

Here's a pic of their soft shell crab tacos. *Drool*

In Mexico, we call these babies Elotes. Which means corn on the cob in English, but as you can see, they're prepared with mayo, lime, chile powder, & butter. May sound like an odd combo, but I promise you you'll never enjoy corn with butter quite the same again!
I was pretty bummed I didn't get to go, but it looks like a lot of fun. From their site, it says they're open the second Saturday of every month, so I look forward to checking them out soon!
1007 East Jefferson Street
Louisville, Ky.
(502) 693-2657
Open second Saturday of every month, 10:00am-6:00pm
Have you been to The Flea Off Market yet?
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