I don't know if its because I'm a visual person, or maybe because I'm a gatherer (Does organized hoarder qualify as a better term??), but I love to keep everything. Especially, if it has sentimental value. Boy, oh boy, do I have bins of those things. Every milestone, every certificate, even the napkin from our first date, I have it stashed in a bin waiting to be scrap booked. At least that's what I intended to do. I had it planned in my head that "The day we have our house....." I'll have everything displayed. Well, that has yet to happen. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we still haven't been able to purchase a home. Which, in its own weird way, is good. My taste has developed since we first got married, and the way I want to display things are a little different. I no longer would appreciate the off green bargain bin scrapbooks, and I doubt I would proudly display mismatched books on a coffee table. I have a better idea!
On an episode of Oprah (dear God do I love this woman.), one of her guest hosts asked an audience member "If you're so proud of the items you have, why do you store them in a box? Don't they deserve to be proudly displayed?". That question rang so true to me. Why even bother keeping things to collect dust. If I smash everything in a book, what *are* the odds that I'm going to rummage for it for memories. Wouldn't it be nicer if I displayed them so I could see them daily? The issue I have is, What is worth displaying in our common area? What is best displayed in my own room? and whats best to keep private all together?. Hmmm.
I like my things to be in the same color scheme, so I'd have to do it in a way where the frames are the same, and the backgrounds go well together. Since the majority of my home is decorated in neutrals, I figured a gray and yellow scheme would work well. (Seems like ugly colors on paper, but placed together it really works well. I suppose it all lies on the tone of the colors.) I took pics when it was getting dark out, so the colors don't look all that great here. Its more of a dark charcoal gray, not black.
On one wall I decided I'm displaying:
- 2 individual frames of my husband's hand print in black, with my sons' over laying little handprint it in white.
- 2 individual frames each displaying my sons' full names, birthdates, birthplace, birth weight etc. in black & gray.
- 2 individual frames with my sons' footprints in a heart shape.
- Framed states with hearts placed where my sons' were born.
- 1 frame containing important dates for our little family.
- 1 frame containing our fingerprints as a family. 0 + 0 = 00
- Hand Prints
- Framed Birthdays
- Foot Print Hearts
- Two Framed States
- Important Family Dates
- Family Finger Prints
Hopefully they turn out well, and don't look too cheesy lol. I think if I have them framed the same sizes, it should look good. I'm not sure how cheap it will be to frame everything, but I saw a neat pin for mod podge and dollar bin wooden planks from hobby lobby. If I can find some big enough, that would look great.
I just need to find great ways to display my other stuff so it doesn't look cluttered!
Have you done any interesting pinterest crafts? How do you display important things to you?
same name at hacking expose