{My Seared Ahi Tuna & Plantains}
Lately, I've been trying to incorporate healthy foods into my everyday diet. I love sushi... but unfortunately, I have to watch my intake of soy sauce due to the sodium (and I can't have sushi without my soy sauce and ginger!!). Instead of tempting myself with sushi, (and watching the carbs/calories) I've been making Tuna steaks, which are surprisingly SUPER easy and quick to make! (Defrost, season, and sear, voila.) I was getting bored of eating it with avocado, so I thought something sweet would compliment it! While grocery shopping, I picked up some plantains, and waited impatiently for them ripen....
I was scrolling through pinterest (my go to for recipes), and found a recipe that was very easy and quick to make.

{Via: The Fit Cook}
I used this recipe for my plantains (use the ripened/black plantains), but I omitted her last step of steaming them. I personally found that pan sauteing them cooked them well :-)
Have you made plantains before? What's the most exotic food you've cooked?
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