Lately, I have been *obsessed* with Lucky's Market off of Hurstbourne. Their doughnuts (baked goods in general) are really good.

Their sushi is okay in a pinch, I really loved their tofu purses with spicy shrimp (I have yet to find any places that sell these prepared.). I've only had these a few times, so I'm a newbie when it comes to them. I can't tell if their authentic or not, but I think they are pretty tasty.

This is what I'm very excited to use! I have tried finding a "to go" cup where I can throw loose tea to quickly brew (The Asian tea that I purchase are all loose teas.), but have yet to score one. I came across this tea tube on an impulse purchase at check out. Hopefully it works out well and I won't need to find a brewing cup (Of course, I could always brew tea in a pot like any sane person would... I just never wake up early enough to do it!)
Have you used one of these before?
Lucky's Market
200 N. Hurstbourne
Louisville, Ky.
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