In about a month, my 7 year old starts school again. Its always bittersweet... as much as my son enjoys school, I can't help but feel I'd rather keep him home with me. :-) It's awesome to see this compassionate, sweet little being growing into his own, but its sad because he's no longer a baby.
With only 4 weeks left until school, I'm still trying to tackle the rest of our summer list, but also starting to prepare our household for the school year that's quickly approaching. I've already tackled organizing our sons' room (my biggest job of the summer haha, so many toys we sorted through, it was ridiculous!) So hopefully after buying school supplies, it will all be down hill from there. Somehow, I never feel my day runs smoothly unless our home is organized.
Back to School "To Do finish" this month:
-Start Earlier Bedtimes (starting next Monday!)
-Finish Sorting through the boys' room (Goodwill!) ✓
-Purchase Back to School Supplies
-Purchase New School Clothes
-Enforce New Chore Charts
-Plan First Day of School Morning "Special Feast"
-Purchase gifts for the Teacher's First Day of School
-Find Meal Plans for School
-Prepare Props for First Day of School Photos
-Prepare our School Cones (Schultuete)
Our back to school list is available on our school website, so I should probably go soon and catch the sales before everything gets sorted through. (We have already purchased the backpack, which is *his* most important purchase for school.)
Here is a neat cone (Schultuete) tradition from Germany, for the first day of school. I LOVE this idea, and can't wait to do it this year. Basically you make a cone and fill it with goodies for their first day of school.
{Via: Pinterest from The Mother Huddle}
-Awesome tutorial from The Mother Huddle-
I loved these Printables and ideas that I printed out as well, in case anyone was looking for some:
- Lunch Box Ideas
- Lunch Box Ideas Printable
- How To Pack Your Lunch Printable
- Back To School Picture Ideas
- Kids Milestone Chart (Teaching independence)
- Chore Printables
- Morning/Afternoon Routine Printables
- Back To School Organization Ideas
Here's my blog post from last year where I made Teacher Appreciation bags. I might do something similar this year :-)
Teacher Appreciation Bags
How are you preparing for back to school? Any special celebrations or traditions in your home?
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