I don't know about you guys, but anything that I can find that is "local", always gives me a sense of pride. Pride knowing that the hands that created it, came from someone hard working, living, and breathing nearby, pouring their heart and soul into their craft. Last year, I really went out, and made a point of finding things made here in Kentucky. I sought out Kentucky made cheeses, and bought raw Kentucky honey at Farmer's Markets. I found family owned restaurants & local bakeries to support... and I LOVED every. single. bit. of them. Knowing that I'm supporting local businesses here in town, not only makes me feel proud, but assures me that I'm getting a solid product that I'm going to love. 99.999999% of the time, I never go back to the store bought version when given the option. The funny part is, that I'm not even "from" here! But I've felt so embraced by the loving warm people here, that I couldn't imagine *not* supporting where my babies are happily flourishing.
Lately, I haven't had much time to scour for new food products, especially since the weather is colder out. So to fulfill my void of traveling farmer's markets in this cold weather, I've warmed up to reading local finds, as opposed to eating them (ha!). I've found some really great gems along the way. Everything from papers that focus on the ins and outs of events in Louisville, to some wonderful new blogs that I now check out on a daily basis.
Today, I'm happy to share with you an awesome local find. Coincidentally, it isn't only just an amazing read by born and raised Kentucky writers, but they truly focus on all kinds of Kentucky proud stories as well. They do highlight some amazing artisan work, but the stories that *really* catch my attention? Are the ones that showcase some of the most intriguing local residents.<3
To celebrate their 2nd, anniversary, they're featuring an exclusive interview with JOHNNY DEPP! YES! If you get a copy, be sure to show me on Instagram and we can be fan crazy together. Their spring issue hits news stands March 18th 2014.
You can find their issues at:
Barnes & Noble
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
The Morris Book Shop
Third Street Stuff
Want to find out more? Catch them on their:
Also, if you're interested in finding some fun unique Kentucky proud products, they have a neat online shop! I'll keep their shop and web link on my side bar to give you guys easy access to find them this month.
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